Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Little Red Snapper Crack Create Mobile Website Logos in a Flash

Little Red Snapper Crack Create Mobile Website Logos in a Flash


“Snap and Create Professional Mobile Website Logos With Just the Click of a Button…”

With  Little Red Snapper Crack Create Mobile Website Logos in a Flash

1.    Snap Button

Simply click the'Snap'button to initiate a screen snap shot The screen will then dim slightly and your mouse cursor will change to a crosshair with a dimensions readout. You can then click and drag the crosshair to capture any part of the screen you like.This tool is perfect for capturing images or logos from your client websites.

2.    Snap Delay

This option allows you to add a delay (from 1 - 9 seconds) to the snap shot button that increases the delay between hitting the'Snap'button and the screen dimming and the crosshair cursor appearing.This is perfect for those really dark websites where it may be a little harder to see the crosshair cursor over the dark background.

3.    Canvas Dimensions

This allows you to set the width and height dimensions (in pixels) of the main canvas.

The default dimsensions are set at 320 pixels by 160 pixels.This is the perfect width for a standard mobile website logo but you can increase or decrease that size to suit your needs. Minimum size is 24 x 24 pixels and maximum size is 600 x 600 pixels.

4.    Memory Lock

Click this button to lock the canvas size into memory. Use this feature to temporarily work with different canvas sizes.

5.    Crop Canvas

This button will set the canvas area to the exact size of your image. For example, if you were to take a screenshot and you wanted to save the image at the size it was captured but your default canvas was bigger than the captured image, click this button and the canvas will automatically be cropped to fit your image dimensions.

6.    Trim

This button will remove any excess area outside of the trim slider (#12) settings.The image will be trimmed to fit the bounds of the canvas or the trim sliders, depending which value is smaller.

7.    Save File

This button will initiate the save image box. You can save your new logo as GIF, PNG, or JPG (JPEG) image files. GIF is the preferred format for mobile website images as they usually give the best size/quality ratio. After saving you can still go back and make further edits to the image that is still on the canvas. When creating your logo you might want to make several different options for your client to choose from.

8.    Comer Radius

By clicking on'Corners > Round'in the top menu bar, the canvas background will change from having square comers to rounded corners.This value sets the radius (in pixels) for those curved corners.The higher the value, the more noticeable the curve.

9.    Canvas Color

This box displays the HEX color value for the canvas background color you have set using the canvas background tool. We have included this value so you can easily copy and paste the value to use in your mobile website templates, etc This makes little Red SnappeKa very simple color picker tool as well. You can literally find the HEX color value of any color on your screen with just the click of a button.

10.    Border Color

This box displays the HEX color value for the border color you have set using the canvas border color tool. We have included this value so you can easily copy and paste the value to use in your mobile website templates, etc

11.    Grid Overlay /Trim Guides

These options will initiate simple visual aids to help you when positioning AND trimming different parts of your image.

12.Trim    Sliders

These two sliders located at the right and bottom of the image are used to hide pixels at the very edges of the image you have captured. Hold down the ALT key and dick on the Trim Slider button to automatically reset them back to their original settings.

13.    Scale Slider

This slider located at the bottom of the program is used to adjust the size of the image within the canvas.This allows you to easily increase or decrease the size of the captured image to help you merge and arrange different images to create logos that look exactly as you want

14.    Canvas / Border Color Selector

This tool allows you to select the colors for both the background and border of the canvas.To choose your canvas color simply click on the center of the well, click and drag the eye dropper tool and drop it over whatever color you would like to use.To choose the border color for your canvas simply click on the border of the color well and drag and drop the eyedropper on whatever color you want to use.These color values will also be displayed in HEX form in the boxes in features number 9 and 10.

15.    Border Width

This simple drop down box allows you to set the width (in pixels) of the canvas border. You can select a border width anywhere from 0 to 10 pixels.

16.    Image Upload

This feature allows you to upload any images you have saved on to your computer in to the software program.This means you don't just have to rely on screenshots to create your logo images. You can import icons, images, logos, whatever you like.

17.    Software Preferences

This menu item allows you to store your preferred software values. In this box you can set your preferred snap delay, canvas dimensions, corner radius, canvas background and canvas border colors.This means each time you open the software program your default settings will be used.

18.    Fade Edges

This menu item allows you to fade the edges of a captured image so the edges more easily fade into the background color of your canvas. You can choose to fade just one edge, two edges, or all edges of your captured image.

Little Red Snapper Software (MAC + PC Compatible)

Create professional mobile website logo images for your clients

Little Red Snapper PDF Quick Start Guide

Text guide outlining all the features of this software

Little Red Snapper Tutorial Videos

In these two videos I give you a complete walkthrough of all the features and also show you me creating example logos.

Download The Little Red Snapper Crack Create Mobile Website Logos in a Flash

Click Here


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